Sunday 27 February 2011

Natural forms.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...

Nature is all around us, we see it everyday, smell it everyday, but never really take any notice. Its only when you stop and pay attention to the detail you notice the repetition within these natural forms. Looking at images on the internet has definitely inspired me to create more beautiful and inspiring forms. 

Shells-While looking through images of shells i found the simple curved patterns really appealed to me. I think they have quite a simplistic look to them and often if the image is close up it appears almost as a repeating pattern, rather than a natural form. This is something i will definitely look into more when creating my forms.

Flowers-When i think of nature i think of flowers, trees and countryside. The repetitive pattern used in this single rose bud is definitely something that inspires me when creating my forms.  Simplified the pattern in this natural form reminds me of a range of circles getting smaller and smaller fitting together perfectly. I like the idea behind this pattern and its one i would like to experiment with further.

Trees- When i look at images of trees it immediately reminds me of symmetry, although all the branches vary in length, width and size they all appear to be the same at first glance.

Waves- I really like this image of waves, i particularly like contrast of light to dark within the wave. This could be a good inspiration when photographing my forms in order to get the most out of the sculpture.

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